Friday, July 31, 2009

crying baby tips

What To Do When Baby Cries
All babies cry.
They cry because they are hungry, cold, wet, tired, bored, warm, or just uncomfortable.
Doctors have found that during the first 7 weeks of life, a baby may cry 21/2 hours a day. Babies usually cry less as they grow older and they find other ways to calm themselves, like sucking on pacifiers or fingers or playing with their hands. While crying is normal, some babies seem to cry for no reason. They are not easily calmed, and they cry for long periods of time. These babies are often referred to as having colic.

baby care

Baby Love: Everything You Need To Know About Baby's First Year
Robin Barker gives expert advice on how to care for your baby during the magical first twelve months life. Filled with wisdom, humor, and plain com-monsense, 'Baby Love' is a comforting and reassuring guide. Organized around each of the four stages of infancy: Birth to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, and 9 to 12 months, each stage covers all the basic baby care skills you'll need to have in order to keep you and your baby healthy, sane, and happy.